Internal degrees of freedom

Now let's move to the second step, the internal degrees of freedom.

Hierarchy of the internal degrees of freedom

In general, a lattice Hamiltonian can be expressed by the generators of the algebra that acts on the Hilbert space of the system. For example for the complex fermionic (bosonic) system, the Hilbert space is the Fock space, and the lattice Hamiltonian can be expressed by the generators of the fermionic (bosonic) algebra, i.e., the the creation and annihilation operators $\{c^\dagger_\alpha, c_\alpha\}$ $\left(\{b^\dagger_\alpha, b_\alpha\}\right)$. For another example for the local spin-1/2 system, the Hilbert space is the $\otimes_\alpha\{\lvert\uparrow\rangle, \lvert\downarrow\rangle\}_\alpha$ space, and the lattice Hamiltonian can be expressed by the generators of the SU(2) spin algebra, i.e., the spin operators $\{S^x_\alpha, S^y_\alpha, S^z_\alpha\}$ or $\{S^+_\alpha, S^-_\alpha, S^z_\alpha\}$. In both examples, the subscript $\alpha$ denotes a complete set of indexes of the internal degrees of freedom of the quantum system. Therefore, the determination of the algebra acting on the system's Hilbert space and its corresponding generators lies at the center of the constructions of the operator representations of lattice Hamiltonians.

The global Hilbert space of a lattice system can be decomposed into the direct product of the local internal spaces "living" on individual points, leading to a similar decomposition of the global algebra into local ones. To incorporate with the unitcell construction of the lattice, an extra intermediate representation of the translation-equivalent internal degrees of freedom within the origin unitcell is also needed. Thus, from the microscopic to the macroscopic, we arrive at a three level hierarchy, namely the local-unitcell-global hierarchy, of the internal degrees of freedom.

At the local or the individual-point level, the local algebra is represented by the type Internal, and a local generator of the local algebra is represented by the type InternalIndex. Both types are abstract types with their concrete subtypes to represent concrete local algebras and concrete local generators of different quantum lattice systems with different internal structures, respectively.

At the unitcell level, the algebra of the system is represented by the type Hilbert, which defines the concrete local algebras point by point within the origin unitcell. Accordingly, the type Index, which combines a site index and an instance of InternalIndex, could specify a translation-equivalent generator within the origin unitcell.

At the global or the whole-lattice level, we do not actually need a representation of the algebra of the system, but really do for the generators because we have to specify them outside the origin unitcell when the bond goes across the unitcell boundaries. The type CoordinatedIndex, which combines an instance of Index and the coordinates $\mathbf{R}$ and $\mathbf{R}_i$ of the underlying point, represents a generator at such a level.

The above discussions can be summarized by the following table, which also displays how the spatial part of a quantum lattice system is represented:

local (individual-point) levelunitcell levelglobal (whole-lattice) level
algebraInternal and its concrete subtypesHilbert
generatorInternalIndex and its concrete subtypesIndexCoordinatedIndex

Quantum lattice systems with different internal structures

In this section, we will explain in detail for the common categories of quantum lattice systems implemented in this package about how their algebras and generators are organized according to the above three level hierarchy.

Canonical complex fermionic, canonical complex bosonic and hard-core bosonic systems

Local level: Fock and FockIndex

Roughly speaking, these systems share similar internal structures of local Hilbert spaces termed as the Fock space where the generators of local algebras are the annihilation and creation operators. Besides the nambu index to distinguish whether it is an annihilation one or a creation one, such a generator usually adopts an orbital index and a spin index. Thus, the type FockIndex<:InternalIndex, which specifies a certain local generator of a local Fock algebra, has the following attributes:

  • orbital::Int: the orbital index
  • spin::Rational{Int}: the spin index, which must be a half integer
  • nambu::Int: the nambu index, which must be 1(annihilation) or 2(creation).

Correspondingly, the type Fock<:Internal, which specifies the local algebra acting on the local Fock space, has the following attributes:

  • norbital::Int: the number of allowed orbital indices
  • nspin::Int: the number of allowed spin indices

To distinguish whether the system is a fermionic one or a bosonic one, FockIndex and Fock take a symbol :f(for fermionic) or :b(for bosonic) to be their first type parameters.

Now let's see some examples.

An FockIndex instance can be initialized by giving all its three attributes:

julia> FockIndex{:f}(2, 1//2, 1)
𝕔(2, 1//2, 1)

julia> FockIndex{:b}(2, 0, 1)
𝕓(2, 0, 1)

Here, 𝕔 (\bbc<tab>) and 𝕓 (\bbb<tab>) are two functions that are convenient to construct and display instances of FockIndex{:f} and FockIndex{:b}, respectively.

julia> 𝕔(2, 1//2, 1) isa FockIndex{:f}

julia> 𝕓(2, 0, 1) isa FockIndex{:b}

The adjoint of an FockIndex instance is also defined:

julia> 𝕔(3, 3//2, 1)'
𝕔(3, 3//2, 2)

julia> 𝕓(3, 3//2, 2)'
𝕓(3, 3//2, 1)

Apparently, this operation is nothing but the "Hermitian conjugate".

A Fock instance can be initialized by giving all its attributes:

julia> Fock{:f}(1, 2)
4-element Fock{:f}:
 𝕔(1, -1//2, 1)
 𝕔(1, 1//2, 1)
 𝕔(1, -1//2, 2)
 𝕔(1, 1//2, 2)

julia> Fock{:b}(1, 1)
2-element Fock{:b}:
 𝕓(1, 0, 1)
 𝕓(1, 0, 2)

As can be seen, a Fock instance behaves like a vector (because the parent type Internal is a subtype of AbstractVector), and its iteration just generates all the allowed FockIndex instances on its associated spatial point:

julia> fck = Fock{:f}(2, 1);

julia> fck |> typeof |> eltype
FockIndex{:f, Int64, Rational{Int64}, Int64}

julia> fck |> length

julia> [fck[1], fck[2], fck[3], fck[4]]
4-element Vector{FockIndex{:f, Int64, Rational{Int64}, Int64}}:
 𝕔(1, 0, 1)
 𝕔(2, 0, 1)
 𝕔(1, 0, 2)
 𝕔(2, 0, 2)

julia> fck |> collect
4-element Vector{FockIndex{:f, Int64, Rational{Int64}, Int64}}:
 𝕔(1, 0, 1)
 𝕔(2, 0, 1)
 𝕔(1, 0, 2)
 𝕔(2, 0, 2)

This is isomorphic to the mathematical fact that a local algebra is a vector space of the local generators.

Unitcell level: Hilbert and Index

To specify the Fock algebra at the unitcell level, Hilbert associate each point within the origin unitcell with an instance of Fock:

julia> Hilbert(1=>Fock{:f}(1, 2), 2=>Fock{:f}(1, 2))
Hilbert{Fock{:f}} with 2 entries:
  1 => Fock{:f}(norbital=1, nspin=2)
  2 => Fock{:f}(norbital=1, nspin=2)

julia> Hilbert(site=>Fock{:f}(2, 2) for site=1:2)
Hilbert{Fock{:f}} with 2 entries:
  1 => Fock{:f}(norbital=2, nspin=2)
  2 => Fock{:f}(norbital=2, nspin=2)

julia> Hilbert(Fock{:f}(2, 2), 2)
Hilbert{Fock{:f}} with 2 entries:
  1 => Fock{:f}(norbital=2, nspin=2)
  2 => Fock{:f}(norbital=2, nspin=2)

julia> Hilbert([Fock{:f}(2, 2), Fock{:f}(2, 2)])
Hilbert{Fock{:f}} with 2 entries:
  1 => Fock{:f}(norbital=2, nspin=2)
  2 => Fock{:f}(norbital=2, nspin=2)

In general, at different sites, the local Fock algebra could be different:

julia> Hilbert(site=>Fock{:f}(iseven(site) ? 2 : 1, 1) for site=1:2)
Hilbert{Fock{:f}} with 2 entries:
  1 => Fock{:f}(norbital=1, nspin=1)
  2 => Fock{:f}(norbital=2, nspin=1)

julia> Hilbert(1=>Fock{:f}(1, 2), 2=>Fock{:b}(1, 2))
Hilbert{Fock} with 2 entries:
  1 => Fock{:f}(norbital=1, nspin=2)
  2 => Fock{:b}(norbital=1, nspin=2)

Hilbert itself is a subtype of AbstractDict, the iteration over the keys gives the sites, and the iteration over the values gives the local algebras:

julia> hilbert = Hilbert(site=>Fock{:f}(iseven(site) ? 2 : 1, 1) for site=1:2);

julia> collect(keys(hilbert))
2-element Vector{Int64}:

julia> collect(values(hilbert))
2-element Vector{Fock{:f}}:
 Fock{:f}(norbital=1, nspin=1)
 Fock{:f}(norbital=2, nspin=1)

julia> collect(hilbert)
2-element Vector{Pair{Int64, Fock{:f}}}:
 1 => Fock{:f}(norbital=1, nspin=1)
 2 => Fock{:f}(norbital=2, nspin=1)

julia> [hilbert[1], hilbert[2]]
2-element Vector{Fock{:f}}:
 Fock{:f}(norbital=1, nspin=1)
 Fock{:f}(norbital=2, nspin=1)

To specify a translation-equivalent generator of the Fock algebra within the unitcell, Index just combines a site::Int attribute and an internal::FockIndex attribute:

julia> index = Index(1, FockIndex{:f}(1, -1//2, 2))
𝕔(1, 1, -1//2, 2)


julia> index.internal
𝕔(1, -1//2, 2)

Here, the functions 𝕔 and 𝕓 can also construct and display instances of Index{<:FockIndex{:f}} and Index{<:FockIndex{:b}}, respectively.

julia> 𝕔(1, 1, -1//2, 2) isa Index{<:FockIndex{:f}}

julia> 𝕓(1, 1, -1//2, 2) isa Index{<:FockIndex{:b}}

The Hermitian conjugate of an Index is also defined:

julia> 𝕔(1, 1, -1//2, 2)'
𝕔(1, 1, -1//2, 1)

julia> 𝕓(1, 1, -1//2, 1)'
𝕓(1, 1, -1//2, 2)

Global level: CoordinatedIndex

Since the local algebra of a quantum lattice system can be defined point by point, the global algebra can be completely compressed into the origin unitcell. However, the generator outside the origin unitcell cannot be avoided because we have to use them to compose the Hamiltonian on the bonds that goes across the unitcell boundaries. This situation is similar to the case of Lattice and Point. Therefore, we take a similar solution for the generators to that is adopted for the Point, i.e., we include the $\mathbf{R}$ coordinate (by the rcoordinate attribute) and the $\mathbf{R}_i$ coordinate (by the icoordinate attribute) of the underlying point together with the index::Index attribute in the CoordinatedIndex type to represent a generator that could be inside or outside the origin unitcell:

julia> index = CoordinatedIndex(Index(1, FockIndex{:f}(1, 0, 2)), [0.5, 0.0], [0.0, 0.0])
𝕔(1, 1, 0, 2, [0.5, 0.0], [0.0, 0.0])

julia> index.index
𝕔(1, 1, 0, 2)

julia> index.rcoordinate
2-element StaticArraysCore.SVector{2, Float64} with indices SOneTo(2):

julia> index.icoordinate
2-element StaticArraysCore.SVector{2, Float64} with indices SOneTo(2):

julia> index' # the Hermitian conjugate of a CoordinatedIndex is also defined
𝕔(1, 1, 0, 1, [0.5, 0.0], [0.0, 0.0])

Here, as can be expected, the functions 𝕔 and 𝕓 can construct and display instances of CoordinatedIndex{<:Index{<:FockIndex{:f}}} and CoordinatedIndex{<:Index{<:FockIndex{:b}}}, respectively, as well.

julia> 𝕔(1, 1, 0, 2, [0.5, 0.0], [0.0, 0.0]) isa CoordinatedIndex{<:Index{<:FockIndex{:f}}}

julia> 𝕓(1, 1, 0, 2, [0.5, 0.0], [0.0, 0.0]) isa CoordinatedIndex{<:Index{<:FockIndex{:b}}}

SU(2) spin systems

Local level: Spin and SpinIndex

Spin<:Internal and SpinIndex<:InternalIndex are designed to deal with SU(2) spin systems at the local level.

Although spin systems are essentially bosonic, the commonly-used local Hilbert space is distinct from that of an usual bosonic system: it is the space spanned by the eigenstates of a local $S^z$ operator rather than a Fock space. At the same time, a spin Hamiltonian is usually expressed by local spin operators, such as $S^x$, $S^y$, $S^z$, $S^+$ and $S^-$, instead of creation and annihilation operators. Therefore, it is convenient to define another set of concrete subtypes for spin systems.

To specify which one of the five $\{S^x, S^y, S^z, S^+, S^-\}$ a local spin operator is, the type SpinIndex has the following attribute:

  • tag::Char: the tag, which must be 'x', 'y', 'z', '+' or '-'.

Correspondingly, the type Spin, which defines the local SU(2) spin algebra, does not need any attribute.

For SpinIndex and Spin, it is also necessary to know what the total spin is, which is taken as their first type parameters and should be a half-integer or an integer.

Now let's see examples.

An SpinIndex instance can be initialized as follows

julia> SpinIndex{3//2}('x')

julia> SpinIndex{1//2}('z')

julia> SpinIndex{1}('+')

Here, the type 𝕊 (\bbS<tab>) plays a similar role in spin systems as 𝕔 and 𝕓 in Fock systems.

julia> 𝕊{3//2}('x') isa SpinIndex{3//2}

The "Hermitian conjugate" of an SpinIndex instance can be obtained by the adjoint operation:

julia> 𝕊{3//2}('x')'

julia> 𝕊{3//2}('y')'

julia> 𝕊{3//2}('z')'

julia> 𝕊{3//2}('+')'

julia> 𝕊{3//2}('-')'

The local spin space is determined by the total spin. The standard matrix representation of an SpinIndex instance on this local spin space can be obtained by the matrix function exported by this package:

julia> 𝕊{1//2}('x') |> matrix
2×2 Matrix{ComplexF64}:
 0.0+0.0im  0.5+0.0im
 0.5+0.0im  0.0+0.0im

julia> 𝕊{1//2}('y') |> matrix
2×2 Matrix{ComplexF64}:
  0.0-0.0im  0.0-0.5im
 -0.0+0.5im  0.0-0.0im

julia> 𝕊{1//2}('z') |> matrix
2×2 Matrix{ComplexF64}:
  0.5+0.0im   0.0+0.0im
 -0.0+0.0im  -0.5+0.0im

julia> 𝕊{1//2}('+') |> matrix
2×2 Matrix{ComplexF64}:
 0.0+0.0im  1.0+0.0im
 0.0+0.0im  0.0+0.0im

julia> 𝕊{1//2}('-') |> matrix
2×2 Matrix{ComplexF64}:
 0.0+0.0im  0.0+0.0im
 1.0+0.0im  0.0+0.0im

A Spin instance can be initialized as follows:

julia> Spin{1}()
3-element Spin{1}:

julia> Spin{1//2}()
3-element Spin{1//2}:

Similar to Fock, a Spin instance behaves like a vector whose iteration generates the SpinIndex instances on its associated spatial point:

julia> sp = Spin{1}();

julia> sp |> typeof |> eltype
SpinIndex{1, Char}

julia> sp |> length

julia> [sp[1], sp[2], sp[3]]
3-element Vector{SpinIndex{1, Char}}:

julia> sp |> collect
3-element Vector{SpinIndex{1, Char}}:

It is noted that a Spin instance only generates SpinIndex instances limited to those of $S^x$, $S^y$, $S^z$ but not those of $S^+$ and $S^-$ because the former three has already formed a complete set of the generators of the local SU(2) spin algebra. This doesn't matter if you also want to construct your spin Hamiltonian by use of $S^+$ and $S^-$. For more details, see Couplings among different degrees of freedom.

Unitcell and global levels: Hilbert, Index and CoordinatedIndex

At the unitcell and global levels to construct the SU(2) spin algebra and spin generators, it is completely the same to that of the Fock algebra and Fock generators as long as we replace Fock and FockIndex with Spin and SpinIndex, respectively:

julia> Hilbert(1=>Spin{1//2}(), 2=>Spin{1}())
Hilbert{Spin} with 2 entries:
  1 => Spin{1//2}()
  2 => Spin{1}()

julia> Index(1, SpinIndex{1//2}('+'))
𝕊{1//2}(1, '+')

julia> 𝕊{1//2}(1, '+') isa Index{<:SpinIndex{1//2}}

julia> CoordinatedIndex(Index(1, SpinIndex{1//2}('-')), [0.5, 0.5], [1.0, 1.0])
𝕊{1//2}(1, '-', [0.5, 0.5], [1.0, 1.0])

julia> 𝕊{1//2}(1, '-', [0.5, 0.5], [1.0, 1.0]) isa CoordinatedIndex{<:Index{<:SpinIndex{1//2}}}

Phononic systems

Local level: Phonon and PhononIndex

Phononic systems are also bosonic systems. However, the canonical creation and annihilation operators of phonons depends on the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of the dynamical matrix, making them difficult to be defined locally at each point. Instead, we resort to the displacement ($\mathbf{u}$) and momentum ($\mathbf{p}$) operators of lattice vibrations as the generators, which can be easily defined locally. The type PhononIndex<:InternalIndex could specify such a local generator, which has the following attributes:

  • direction::Char: the direction, which must be one of 'x', 'y' and 'z', to indicate which spatial directional component of the generator it is

Correspondingly, the type Phonon<:Internal, which defines the local $\{\mathbf{u}, \mathbf{p}\}$ algebra of the lattice vibrations, has the following attributes:

  • ndirection::Int: the spatial dimension of the lattice vibrations, which must be 1, 2, or 3.

For PhononIndex and Phonon, it is also necessary to distinguish whether it is for the displacement ($\mathbf{u}$) or for the momentum ($\mathbf{p}$). Their first type parameters are designed to solve this problem, with :u and :b denoting $\mathbf{u}$ and $\mathbf{p}$, respectively.

Now let's see examples:

julia> PhononIndex{:u}('x')

julia> PhononIndex{:p}('x')

julia> # one-dimensional lattice vibration only has the x component

julia> Phonon{:u}(1)
1-element Phonon{:u}:

julia> Phonon{:p}(1)
1-element Phonon{:p}:

julia> # two-dimensional lattice vibration only has the x and y components

julia> Phonon{:u}(2) 
2-element Phonon{:u}:

julia> Phonon{:p}(2)
2-element Phonon{:p}:

julia> # three-dimensional lattice vibration has the x, y and z components

julia> Phonon{:u}(3)
3-element Phonon{:u}:

julia> Phonon{:p}(3)
3-element Phonon{:p}:

As is usual, we define functions 𝕦 (\bbu<tab>) and 𝕡 (\bbp<tab>) to construct and display instances of PhononIndex{:u} and PhononIndex{:p} for convenience, respectively.

julia> 𝕦('x') isa PhononIndex{:u}

julia> 𝕡('x') isa PhononIndex{:p}

Unitcell and global levels: Hilbert, Index and CoordinatedIndex

At the unitcell and global levels, lattice-vibration algebras and generators are the same to previous situations by Phonon and PhononIndex replaced with in the corresponding types:

julia> Hilbert(site=>Phonon(2) for site=1:3)
Hilbert{Phonon{:}} with 3 entries:
  1 => Phonon(ndirection=2)
  2 => Phonon(ndirection=2)
  3 => Phonon(ndirection=2)

julia> Index(1, PhononIndex{:u}('x'))
𝕦(1, 'x')

julia> 𝕦(1, 'x') isa Index{<:PhononIndex{:u}}

julia> Index(1, PhononIndex{:p}('x'))
𝕡(1, 'x')

julia> 𝕡(1, 'x') isa Index{<:PhononIndex{:p}}

julia> CoordinatedIndex(Index(1, PhononIndex{:u}('x')), [0.5, 0.5], [1.0, 1.0])
𝕦(1, 'x', [0.5, 0.5], [1.0, 1.0])

julia> 𝕦(1, 'x', [0.5, 0.5], [1.0, 1.0]) isa CoordinatedIndex{<:Index{<:PhononIndex{:u}}}

julia> CoordinatedIndex(Index(1, PhononIndex{:p}('x')), [0.5, 0.5], [1.0, 1.0])
𝕡(1, 'x', [0.5, 0.5], [1.0, 1.0])

julia> 𝕡(1, 'x', [0.5, 0.5], [1.0, 1.0]) isa CoordinatedIndex{<:Index{<:PhononIndex{:p}}}

It is noted that Phonon{:} is a special kind of Phonon, which are used to specify the Hilbert space of lattice vibrations. In this way, both the displacement ($\mathbf{u}$) and the momentum ($\mathbf{p}$) degrees of freedom can be incorporated.

Operator and Operators

Now we arrive at the core types of this package, the Operator and Operators. They are defined to deal with the mathematical operations, i.e., the +/-/* operations between two elements of the algebra acting on the Hilbert space, and the scalar multiplication between an element of the algebra and a number. Specifically, an Operator represents a product of several generators of the algebra specified at any of the three levels along with a coefficient, and an Operators represents the sum of several instances of Operator.

Operator can be initialized by two ways:

julia> Operator(2, 𝕔(1, -1//2, 2), 𝕔(1, -1//2, 1), 𝕊{1//2}('z'))
Operator(2, 𝕔(1, -1//2, 2), 𝕔(1, -1//2, 1), 𝕊{1//2}('z'))

julia> 2 * 𝕔(1, 1, -1//2, 2) * 𝕊{1//2}(2, 'z')
Operator(2, 𝕔(1, 1, -1//2, 2), 𝕊{1//2}(2, 'z'))

It is noted that the number of the generators can be any natural number.

Although generators at different levels can be producted to make an Operator, it is not recommended to do so because the logic will be muddled:

julia> Operator(2, 𝕔(1, 0, 2), 𝕔(2, 1, 0, 1, [0.0], [0.0])) # never do this !!!
Operator(2, 𝕔(1, 0, 2), 𝕔(2, 1, 0, 1, [0.0], [0.0]))

Operator can be iterated and indexed by integers, which will give the corresponding generators in the product:

julia> op = Operator(2, 𝕔(1, 1//2, 2), 𝕔(1, 1//2, 1));

julia> length(op)

julia> [op[1], op[2]]
2-element Vector{FockIndex{:f, Int64, Rational{Int64}, Int64}}:
 𝕔(1, 1//2, 2)
 𝕔(1, 1//2, 1)

julia> collect(op)
2-element Vector{FockIndex{:f, Int64, Rational{Int64}, Int64}}:
 𝕔(1, 1//2, 2)
 𝕔(1, 1//2, 1)

To get the coefficient of an Operator or all its individual generators as a whole, use the value and id function exported by this package, respectively:

julia> op = Operator(2, 𝕔(1, 0, 2), 𝕔(1, 0, 1));

julia> value(op)

julia> id(op)
(𝕔(1, 0, 2), 𝕔(1, 0, 1))

The product between two Operators, or the scalar multiplication between a number and an Operator is also an Operator:

julia> Operator(2, 𝕔(1, 1//2, 2)) * Operator(3, 𝕔(1, 1//2, 1))
Operator(6, 𝕔(1, 1//2, 2), 𝕔(1, 1//2, 1))

julia> 3 * Operator(2, 𝕔(1, 1//2, 2))
Operator(6, 𝕔(1, 1//2, 2))

julia> Operator(2, 𝕔(1, 1//2, 2)) * 3
Operator(6, 𝕔(1, 1//2, 2))

The Hermitian conjugate of an Operator can be obtained by the adjoint operator:

julia> op = Operator(6, 𝕔(2, 1//2, 2), 𝕔(1, 1//2, 1));

julia> op'
Operator(6, 𝕔(1, 1//2, 2), 𝕔(2, 1//2, 1))

There also exists a special Operator, which only has the coefficient:

julia> Operator(2)

Operators can be initialized by two ways:

julia> Operators(Operator(2, 𝕔(1, 1//2, 1)), Operator(3, 𝕔(1, 1//2, 2)))
Operators with 2 Operator
  Operator(2, 𝕔(1, 1//2, 1))
  Operator(3, 𝕔(1, 1//2, 2))

julia> Operator(2, 𝕔(1, 1//2, 1)) - Operator(3, 𝕓(1, 1//2, 2))
Operators with 2 Operator
  Operator(2, 𝕔(1, 1//2, 1))
  Operator(-3, 𝕓(1, 1//2, 2))

Similar items are automatically merged during the construction of Operators:

julia> Operators(Operator(2, 𝕔(1, 1//2, 1)), Operator(3, 𝕔(1, 1//2, 1)))
Operators with 1 Operator
  Operator(5, 𝕔(1, 1//2, 1))

julia> Operator(2, 𝕔(1, 1//2, 1)) + Operator(3, 𝕔(1, 1//2, 1))
Operators with 1 Operator
  Operator(5, 𝕔(1, 1//2, 1))

The multiplication between two Operatorses, or between an Operators and an Operator, or between a number and an Operators are defined:

julia> ops = Operator(2, 𝕔(1, 1//2, 1)) + Operator(3, 𝕔(1, 1//2, 2));

julia> op = Operator(2, 𝕔(2, 1//2, 1));

julia> ops * op
Operators with 2 Operator
  Operator(4, 𝕔(1, 1//2, 1), 𝕔(2, 1//2, 1))
  Operator(6, 𝕔(1, 1//2, 2), 𝕔(2, 1//2, 1))

julia> op * ops
Operators with 2 Operator
  Operator(4, 𝕔(2, 1//2, 1), 𝕔(1, 1//2, 1))
  Operator(6, 𝕔(2, 1//2, 1), 𝕔(1, 1//2, 2))

julia> another = Operator(2, 𝕔(1, 1//2, 1)) + Operator(3, 𝕔(1, 1//2, 2));

julia> ops * another
Operators with 2 Operator
  Operator(6, 𝕔(1, 1//2, 1), 𝕔(1, 1//2, 2))
  Operator(6, 𝕔(1, 1//2, 2), 𝕔(1, 1//2, 1))

julia> 2 * ops
Operators with 2 Operator
  Operator(4, 𝕔(1, 1//2, 1))
  Operator(6, 𝕔(1, 1//2, 2))

julia> ops * 2
Operators with 2 Operator
  Operator(4, 𝕔(1, 1//2, 1))
  Operator(6, 𝕔(1, 1//2, 2))

It is noted that in the result, the distributive law automatically applies. Besides, the fermion operator relation $c^2=(c^\dagger)^2=0$ is also used.

As is usual, the Hermitian conjugate of an Operators can be obtained by the adjoint operator:

julia> op₁ = Operator(6, 𝕔(1, 1//2, 2), 𝕔(2, 1//2, 1));

julia> op₂ = Operator(4, 𝕔(1, 1//2, 1), 𝕔(2, 1//2, 1));

julia> ops = op₁ + op₂;

julia> ops'
Operators with 2 Operator
  Operator(6, 𝕔(2, 1//2, 2), 𝕔(1, 1//2, 1))
  Operator(4, 𝕔(2, 1//2, 2), 𝕔(1, 1//2, 2))

Operators can be iterated and indexed:

julia> ops = Operator(2, 𝕔(1, 1//2, 1)) + Operator(3, 𝕔(1, 1//2, 2));

julia> collect(ops)
2-element Vector{Operator{Int64, Tuple{FockIndex{:f, Int64, Rational{Int64}, Int64}}}}:
 Operator(2, 𝕔(1, 1//2, 1))
 Operator(3, 𝕔(1, 1//2, 2))

julia> ops[1]
Operator(2, 𝕔(1, 1//2, 1))

julia> ops[2]
Operator(3, 𝕔(1, 1//2, 2))

The index order of an Operators is the insertion order of the operators it contains.